Owalo launches Jitume Lab in push to actualise digital superhighway


ICT Cabinet Secretary Eliud Owalo (centre) during the launch of a digital skills lab at Ruiru CDF Social Hall on Monday.

Information, Communications and the Digital Economy CS Eliud Owalo on Monday launched a digital skills lab at the CDF Social Hall in Ruiru Constituency, Kiambu County.

He said the digital lab was a partnership between the national government and the Ruiru Constituency Development Fund (CDF) overseen by MP Simon Nganga.

The CS observed that the Ministry, through the labs, seeks to equip the youth with digital skills to enable them access opportunities online, boosting job creation.

He added that the government is actualising the digital superhighway by laying 100,000km of fibre optic cable, installing 25,000 public Wi-Fi hotspots, establishing 1,450 digital hubs in each ward and digitise government records and services.

The National Assembly in 2023 passed an amendment to the National Government Constituency Development Fund (NGCDF) Act allowing 3 per cent of allocations to be used in construction and paying for utilities, costs and maintenance of constituency digital hubs.

Each digital hub has the potential of training 300 youths and creating a corresponding number of digital jobs at a minimum, giving an average of 1,500 digital jobs.

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